
The heat wave continues with another 80F+ day and low wind. Smaller waves today but in front of the pumphouse and north were nice lines rolling in frequently. We opted for out front of the pumphouse and right away, I started getting waves. So fun. Some short lefts, but also a few really long ones with swoopy turn to stay left, and enough time to stay in the curl as the wave raced towards the beach. The first forty minutes was just nonstop fun lefts. Max caught a bunch of waves on his Po. Rejuvenated. So chill at the beach in the sun. Had to rush back to the city to work on the gnav. Stoked from the time in the water.


#320 / 10 (1.5) / 3.5′ rising / 8′ Revolver
[PM Report and Short-Term Forecast for SF-San Mateo County: It’s a beautiful, sunny/warm day at the beach with great conditions as light winds and a clean ocean surface prevail. Knee-waist+ waves at top spots off a mix of WNW and South swells. Clean but small surf is due for the remainder of the day as well.
2ft at 6s NW (317°)
1ft at 10s W (274°)
1ft at 8s W (268°)