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Surfing Linda Mar 090609

We were determined to go to bed earlier last night and did it. After client work, we made it down to LM by around 12:30. Parking lot was…

Surfing Linda Mar 090409

Bought my 7’3″ Epoxy Superfish XL from Sonlight! Wanted to move down in size from the 9’1″ and have more maneuverability. Dan wasn’t there that day so Robin…

Surfing Linda Mar 090309

Finished meeting with CP and headed down to LM for a surf after four dry days. It was sunny and hot today – 77 degrees! Caught two waves….

Surfing Linda Mar 083009

The weekend heat wave ended and it was back to the normal fog and 60s. Max didn’t sleep well last night but we went out anyway. Kind of…

Surfing Linda Mar 082809

Finished client calls then headed for LM. Super warm today at 83+! It wasn’t that sunny by the time we got to Pacifica, but I was kind of…

Surfing Linda Mar 082709

Haven’t been out in almost a week – eek! Last week was big due to the SSW swell with reports of 4-6′ with 1′ overhead. Finally got out…

Surfing Linda Mar 082109

Surfing Linda Mar was so dramatic today: the SSW swell rolling in, dense fog masking everything, the roar of the waves breaking. After deliberating and researching, Max decided…

Surfing Linda Mar 082009

Surfed LM with Max. Small and flat but had a great time. Ate a Clif Bar before heading out for some extra energy. Chatted with Alan, local guy…

Surfing Linda Mar 081809

Surfed LM with Max. Small today, but sunny. Worked on my paddling and paddle out through the break techniques. Finally on the right spot on my board I…

SFMOMA Exhibit: Pipeline, Featuring Jeff Clark Surfboards

On Saturday, Max and I went to see Pipeline: Art, Surfing, and the Ocean Environment, an exhibit at the SFMOMA Artists Gallery at Fort Mason showing July 16…

Surfing Linda Mar 081609

Weekend crowd! Really choppy and NW/SW winds. Hadn’t been out for a while so I felt out of shape and a bit winded. Stayed out for about 30…

Surfing Linda Mar 080709

Went down to Linda Mar today with Max and it was truly the first chill day surfing in NorCal: no lessons, no time pressure, just the two of…

Surfing Linda Mar 080609

Couldn’t surf today but went down with Max – his first time surfing alone! Saw him catch his first wave when I was getting a burrito in TB….

Surfing Half Moon Bay Jetty 080209

Went to meet L for the first time. Got there late because of a traffic glitch on 280. Max got some wax at the hardware store across the…

First time surfing NorCal

After taking five surf lessons on Oahu, Hawaii, last month, Max and I decided it was time to surf some local Northern California breaks. We took our first…

Surfing Ala Moana Beach Park 062509

After getting married on Oahu and spending several amazing days with our family and friends, we began our surf honeymoon adventure in Waikiki with a week’s worth of…