Swell’s faded for the first time in a while and it was lake-like and glassy when we arrived. Overcast, some drizzling rain, an empty beach except for flocks…
The SSW didn’t materialize and today was tiny compared to yesterday. Debated going out but how can you not? Turned out to be fun catching nonstop tiny lefts…
Spent the weekend going to open houses (and saw a place that was Max’s white interior fantasy). Forecast for this Monday morning called for offshore winds before increasing…
Lots of morning all-hands meetings at work and yesterday was David W.’s last day. marks the end of another chapter for sure. Without him, JV wouldn’t have been…
Ocean looked small and smooth today with some offshore winds and blue, blue water. Near the horizon, so many whales! Counted at least four whales breaching nonstop, flocks…
Slept too long and didn’t get down until later. Chatted with Rick as we ate breakfast in the Jeep. He’d ordered Max’s blank+stringer (solid old Redwood) and told…
Back at the beach finally! Our Jeep wouldn’t start on Tuesday morning and I almost cried knowing I’d have to forego the good conditions and heatwave at LM…
Mini surf trip down to Capitola for an evening surf, catching the tide dropping to 2′ at 5pm. SSW and WNW swell was expected and it didn’t disappoint….