Tag: pacificaPage 6 of 14
Been waiting to surf, but work/sleep… the usual suspects got in the way last week. Everyone in CA is waiting for the SW swell to come through. SoCal’s…
Friday + some stress at work with many unknowns = must get a surf in before the crowded weekend. Max slept in and I got up in the…
Mellow three day Labor Day weekend: slept, ate, movies… didn’t end up going to Capitola because of timing. Last week was the epic Teahupoo contest. Glad to have…
Needed to unwind after an intense week at work and tomorrow’s Saturday so this morning was the time to forego sleep and get some waves on a solo…
Sooo excited to have the day for some R&R. Had planned to go south to Capitola to catch some possible 2-3′ SSW and mis-remembered the time so we…
Escaped for a surf today after three weeks of intense GWP stuff at work and August gloom. So great to be back in the ocean. Water felt so…
Well that was a weird sesh. Expected the bigger conditions than last week, and knew it was a crowded Saturday (sunny, summer, etc) but didn’t expect to not…
Short sesh and short rides but so stoked to get out early before work. Warm air temps at 60F in the morning and the water felt so warm….
Sweet surf at LM today! Small, clean, some wind and chop but also rights and lefts. A tight crowd lined up to the right of the first cyprus,…
The big launch went well last week and I kept thinking I’d get back in the water to celebrate but between sleep, windy conditions and life, it didn’t…
Busy week at work before launch and I really wanted to get in the water this Friday morning before the weekend crowds. Wasn’t supposed to be great conditions…
Recuperated this weekend and skipped the crowds, but wanted to go today since it was going to be unusually warm for this time of year. 60F, low wind…
The heat wave continues with another 80F+ day and low wind. Smaller waves today but in front of the pumphouse and north were nice lines rolling in frequently….
Waves are back! After the past two (?) weeks of non-stop NW winds, finally this morning was supposed to be unusually warm and only 3kts ESE. WOO. Got…
90 degrees today, smallish and offshore. Woo! So stoked to get in a lunch time surf. Crowded lineups and beach. Lucky with parking again and a front spot…
Two weeks out of the water. Work. Windy. Rain. Work. Windy. Work. This morning was supposed to be drizzling but offshore so in spite of wanting to stay…